Archive for April, 2014

Thanks to 4,000 Fans and 400 Subscribers!

April 21, 2014 — More than 4000 Facebook fans and 400 subscribers represent an nice milestone that ConscienHealth just surpassed with your help. To every one of the growing number of people who take time to read our daily updates we say, thank you! We appreciate your time and the feedback you provide. It’s an impressive group from all […]

Three Ways Healthcare Fails People with Obesity

April 21, 2014 — Healthcare fails people with obesity every day, serving up harsh judgments and substandard care. Any person who is severely affected can tell you about it, but few people stop to listen. The result is an ever growing burden of diseases that stem from this chronic disease largely ignored by our healthcare system. Sara Kirk and […]

Who Needs MSG?

April 20, 2014 — MSG — monosodium glutamate — is an old processed food villain that flashed across the screen in a commentary just published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods. The commentary raises a question in its title: “How safe is monosodium glutamate? Exploring the link to obesity, metabolic disorders, and inflammatory disease.” Satisfactory answers are tough to find. […]

What the Heck Is a Cleansing Diet?

April 19, 2014 — Cleansing diets are all the rage. Dr. Oz has been shamelessly promoting the “Oz 3-Day Detox Cleanse” for years, unfettered by any burden of evidence for a benefit that outweighs any risks. Defending Oz’s use of hyperbolic language — like “miracle in a bottle” — a spokesman says: Our audience are not scientists, and the […]

3 Surprising Benefits of Physical Activity

April 18, 2014 — Some surprising benefits of physical activity fall outside of the steady stream of publications about its impact on obesity, strokes, and heart attacks. Here are three benefits that are quite important on a personal level. Yet they’re often overlooked. Better Skin. Researchers from McMaster University conducted a series of studies on the benefits of physical activity […]

Diabetes Virtually Doubled

April 17, 2014 — Diabetes virtually doubled over the last two decades, along with prediabetes. This news comes from a study just published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The increase in both are attributed to rising rates of obesity over the same period of time. There’s good news for our sick care system in this study — even […]

Three Ways Pollution May Add to Obesity

April 16, 2014 — A growing body of evidence links pollution exposure to an elevated risk of obesity. Two recent studies provide both insight into the mechanisms and population-based evidence for the connection. Varying levels of air pollution in 25 districts of northeastern China created a natural experiment for testing the relationship with obesity. Recently in Obesity, Guang-Hui Dong […]

Four Key Obesity Surgery Trends

April 15, 2014 — Obesity surgery trends are a little hard to decipher for any number of reasons. The data is scattered, government statistics are spotty, and ASMBS stopped reporting surgical volumes after 2007. But sifting through all the available information, some trends are apparent. Volumes Slowly Recovering. The total volume of obesity surgeries took quite a hit in […]

Healthcare Changes Since Mad Men in One Chart

April 14, 2014 — Here in one big chart is a snapshot of the many healthcare changes since the era of Mad Men. Click on the chart to open in a separate window and enjoy! Click here to read more from the Advisory Board Company. Subscribe by email to follow the accumulating evidence and observations that shape our view […]

5 Fading Diet Brands

April 14, 2014 — Deprivation is out, it seems. So some venerable diet brands are scrambling to adapt. These are strong brands linked to old views of dieting and weight loss. But these days, the most vibrant brands have more to do with fitness, nutrition, and health. These five are under pressure. Lean Cuisine. Born in the low-fat everything […]