The Obesity Society 2010 Annual Meeting: Pre-Conference Advocacy Forum
San Diego, CA – Obesity 2010, 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Obesity 2010 – dedicated to increasing knowledge, stimulating research, and promoting prevention and better treatment for those affected by obesity – brought together obesity professionals, from world renowned researchers to educators, advocates, and practitioners. Among the many scientific and education sessions, oral and poster presentations, Ted Kyle, RPh, chaired a pre-conference program, “Health Reform: Getting Serious About Obesity.” Here, attendees had the opportunity to hear policy experts talk about the implications of health reform for obesity research and treatment and the role The Obesity Society (TOS) can play in obesity policy development.
Program speakers included Amanda Cash, DrPH, Office of Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation Health Resources and Services Administration, US Department of Heath and Human Services; Christine Ferguson, JD, The George Washington University’s School of Public Health, STOP Obesity Alliance; Kelly Brownell, PHD, Yale University and the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity; Barbara Thompson, MLS, Obesity Action Coalition; Geraldine Henchy, MPH, RD, Food Research Action Center; George Bray, MD, Pinnington Biomedical Research Center.