Fourth Annual TOS Advocacy Forum Links Evidence and Policy
“How Evidence Can Drive Obesity Policy” is the theme of the fourth annual advocacy forum to be held at 2:30 pm on September 20, 2012, at the Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting in San Antonio. The theme reflects a critical need for objective scientific evidence when developing methods to address the growing crisis of obesity. The advocacy forum is co-sponsored by the Obesity Action Coalition and the STOP Obesity Alliance.
According to the Obesity Society, “Almost three decades into the U.S. Obesity Epidemic, we have reasons to be hopeful and reasons to worry about whether objective evidence will help us address the biggest threat to public health facing America in this century. Experts at the center of health policy and scientific inquiry will give an up-to-the-minute assessment of our progress and our challenges.”
Advocacy Forum Agenda
2:30 Welcome and Introduction — Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA, TOS Advocacy Committee Chair
2:35 Prospects for Accelerating Progress in Obesity — William Dietz, MD, PhD, Director, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, CDC
2:55 Campaigns that Help and Hurt — Rebecca Puhl, PhD, Director, Research and Weight Stigma Initiatives, Rudd Center, Yale University; National Board of Directors, Obesity Action Coalition
3:15 Progress in Making Policy Informed by Evidence — Christine Ferguson, JD, Director, STOP Obesity Alliance
3:35 Shaping Clinical Practice to Treat the Disease — Donna Ryan, MD, Past President, The Obesity Society
3:55 Discussion
4:00 Adjourn