Top 5: Obesity News of 2013 (so far)

Time hurries on, and more of 2013 is behind us than ahead. So reflecting on the obesity news of 2013 that’s captured your attention seems timely. Here are the stories you’ve been reading most. The chart below gives you an indexed ranking of these stories by their readership.

Top Stories

  1. Skipping Breakfast. That’s right. Breakfast seems to be a subject of intense interest for folks following obesity news. Several stories on breakfast attracted interest. But the most read was the news that healthcare professionals express more certainty than the public about skipping breakfast. Though it’s yet to be proven or disproven, professionals seem sure of their opinions about skipping breakfast and its effect on weight.
  2. Flawed Thinking. Mistaken presumptions about obesity are all too common and it seems that they get under your skin. So the recent story about the the flawed obesity thinking that bugs you most was eagerly read.
  3. Forecasting Obesity. Sticking with the facts means understanding the numbers behind obesity. When Diana Thomas and colleagues published a model for forecasting a natural plateu in the obesity epidemic, you paid attention to their numbers.
  4. Food Addiction. A compelling presentation by Nicole Avena was a highlight of the Obesity Action Coalition Convention and one of the stories you read most on this page. Work on this problem holds much promise for understanding obesity and effective interventions.
  5. Obesity as a Disease. Several stories about the AMA’s decision captured your attention, but the most read was our analysis of flawed reasons for rejecting the decision.

News Waves, time lapse photograph of news banner lights in Times Square © Kevin Dooley / flickr

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