Your Top 9 in 2013: Obesity News that Mattered Most
The obesity news that mattered the most to you in 2013 says a lot about the people who follow ConscienHealth. Number one on the list is “misleading reports of nutrition and obesity research.” Who would have guessed that integrity of research reporting would be at the top of your list. We’re glad we asked. Below is a full accounting of what you told us. Thanks for sharing your views!
- Misleading Obesity and Nutrition Research Reports. The most read story on the subject of faithfully interpreting research was about skipping breakfast. Researchers at the University of Alabama pointed out that experts are presenting theories about skipping breakfast and weight gain as fact when they remain unproven. Click here to read more.
- Obesity as a Disease. The AMA decision in June to declare that obesity is a chronic disease to be treated seriously was important to most everyone in the field. ConscienHealth readers are no exception. Click here to read more.
- Prevention Initiatives and Outcomes. Much effort goes into prevention, but the measurement of results is a mixed bag. Understanding how we can do better is a top priority. Click here to read more.
- Treatment Advances. 2013 was a significant year for milestones in obesity treatment. Two new drugs were fully launched and two more were submitted to FDA for approval. Big pharma companies renewed their interest. Yet significant barriers remain. Click here to read more.
- Food Addiction. The controversial science of food addiction attracts considerable attention. Much work remains to fully understand this concept and its importance. Click here to read more.
- Weight Bias. This widespread barrier to addressing obesity through evidence-based policy keeps popping up everywhere. Bias allows policymakers to blame those affected and do nothing further. But the winds of change are rising. Click here to read more.
- Neuroscience. Keen interest in the neuroscience of obesity is one reason that the stumbling block of weight bias is beginning to crumble. Click here to read more.
- Obesity Week. After years of planning and much blood, sweat, and tears, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and the Obesity Society made the dream of a big, combined obesity meeting into a reality. The energy and quality of the meeting made it a resounding success. Click here to read more.
- Obesity Statistics and Forecasts. This was a year when many claims surfaced about shifting obesity trends. Thoughtful researchers pointed out that some of these claims were less than solid. Click here to read more.
The stories that matter most to our loyal readers tell you where the deepest interest lies. The scoop on our most read stories of 2013 — coming soon — explains what has the broadest appeal.
Important Message, photograph © Patrick Denker / flickr
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