OAC Welcomes New Board Members and Chair Ted Kyle
(Tampa, FL) The OAC today welcomed Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA, as Chairman of the Coalition. As a longtime OAC member, recipient of the 2012 OAC “Member of the Year” award and frequent Your Weight Matters Magazine author, Ted has consistently provided the OAC with dedication, knowledge and obesity-focused expertise.
“The OAC is unlike any other obesity-focused non-profit. The OAC truly represents those affected by this disease and fights on a daily basis to ensure those affected are respectfully represented in all areas, such as advocacy, combating weight bias and discrimination, treatment and much more. I hope my service can complement the passion and determination of all our members,” said Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA, OAC Chairman. Ted has served on the OAC National Board of Directors since 2010 and was named vice-chairman of the Coalition in early 2013.
The OAC also welcomed Tammy Beaumont, BSN, RN, CBN; Walter Medlin, MD, FACS; and Melinda J. Watman, BSN, MSN, CNM, MBA; to the 2014 OAC National Board of Directors.
Tammy joined the OAC in 2005 and is the director of a bariatric program in Dallas, a certified bariatric nurse and a bariatric surgery patient. Tammy serves on various OAC committees, such as the Convention planning committee, the Convention Program Agenda Subcommittee, the Revenue Generation Committee and more.
Dr. Medlin was recently honored with the OAC’s “Member of the Year” award and is a frequent author in Your Weight Matters Magazine. He is the director of the Metabolic Surgery program at Billings Clinic in Montana and has struggled with his weight since first grade.
Melinda, recipient of the OAC’s “Bias Buster of the Year” award, has testified with courage and passion to a panel of legislators about her personal experiences with weight bias and obesity, the importance of respecting people of all sizes and shapes and protecting them from discrimination.
The remaining OAC National Board of Directors are as follows: Pam Davis, RN, BSN, CBN, Immediate-Past Chairman; Georgeann Mallory, RD, Treasurer; Jacqueline Jacques, ND, Secretary; Jim Fivecoat, MBA; Amber Huett-Garcia, BS, MPA; Robert Kushner, MD; Holly F. Lofton, MD; Tracy Martinez, RN, BSN, CBN; Lloyd Stegemann, MD, FASMBS; and Michelle Vicari.
The 2014 Board of Directors’ slate was presented to the membership in the November 2013 OAC Members Make a Difference e-newsletter. We invited our members to review the slate and submit their own candidate, if desired. The OAC received full support of the slate and we now welcome Tammy, Dr. Medlin and Melinda to the Board.
For more information on the OAC National Board of Directors, please visit the OAC Web site at www.ObesityAction.org.
The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), a nearly 50,000 member-strong National non-profit organization, is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals affected by the disease of obesity through education, advocacy and support.
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