Thanks for 100,000 Visits, 6,000 Fans & 500 Subcribers

This week, the fascinating people who read our daily updates pushed ConscienHealth through some notable milestones. Thanks for reading, commenting, and spreading the word!

ConscienHealth Readership GrowthThanks to you we’ve surpassed 100,000 visits, 6,000 Facebook fans, and 500 subscribers who want to be the first to receive daily ConscienHealth updates. If you haven’t subscribed yet, just enter your email address below, click subscribe, and you’ll be among the first to get our updates.

Your comments and the people you bring into the ConscienHealth network tell us that we’ve found a pretty thoughtful group of people. And our readership just keeps growing.

Thank you.

Thank You, photograph © Paul Downey / flickr

Subscribe by email to follow the accumulating evidence and observations that shape our view of health, obesity, and policy.


4 Responses to “Thanks for 100,000 Visits, 6,000 Fans & 500 Subcribers”

  1. June 20, 2014 at 12:25 pm, Arthur Frank said:

    Thank you. You do all the work. I am amazed at your consistency and endurance. BIG THANKS TO YOU.
    Arthur Frank

    • June 20, 2014 at 1:15 pm, Ted said:

      Arthur, you are one of the first people who encouraged me in this work, so I really appreciate your words.

  2. June 20, 2014 at 3:17 pm, Susan Burke March said:

    Congratulations! Your daily blog is so informative and enlightening. Thanks for all you do, Ted!

    • June 20, 2014 at 7:02 pm, Ted said:

      Thanks, Susan!