Choose Your Track

6 Sessions Not to Miss at ObesityWeek 2014

With six different tracks and a multitude of specials speakers and symposia, ObesityWeek 2014 provides more information than one person can possibly consume. Here are six sessions — one for each day — that are worth penciling in your schedule.

  1. Sunday: Your Weight Matters Boston. The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) just set new records in September for its national convention, delivering education, empowerment, and support for people affected by obesity. Fresh from that success, OAC is sponsoring its first ever local event in Boston at the start of ObesityWeek 2014. Click here for more.
  2. Monday: Treatment, Food, and Advocacy Forums. Just before the opening ceremonies, a series of three forums will present the latest on potential new obesity treatments, food labeling, and translating the evidence base into sound policy. Click here, here, and here for more.
  3. Tuesday: Keynote by Rebecca Puhl. Perhaps the world’s foremost export on weight bias, stigma, and discrimination, Puhl will deliver the keynote address in a Town Hall meeting sponsored by the Integrated Health Section of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Click here for more.
  4. Wednesday: Obesity Journal Symposium. A series of distinguished new research papers will be presented in this second annual symposium. New findings from Glasgow on the long-term effect of menu calorie labeling on weight gain will be a highlight. Click here for more.
  5. Thursday: Framing Obesity. A symposium devoted to communicating the issues and evidence base for obesity will feature Margo Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, along with Sarah Gollust of the University of Michigan and Rebecca Puhl of the Yale Rudd Center. This session promises a unique blend of social science and perspective from real world activism. Click here for more.
  6. Friday: Impact and Effectiveness of Obesity Policies. New York City and other communities are testing grounds for innovative policies to address obesity. This unique session will examine what can be learned from these natural experiments. Click here for more.

These are not the only sessions that deserve a place on your calendar, and they definitively skew toward a policy perspective that commands our attention. Tomorrow we’ll highlight some of the clinical and basic science coming your way at ObesityWeek 2014

Click here for the full schedule of ObesityWeek 2014

Choose Your Track, photograph © Thomas Leth-Olsen / flickr

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