Obesity Suppresses Curiosity
Twitter provided concise evidence at ObesityWeek 2014 that obesity affects curiosity in a bad way. We have been thinking for some time about how obesity suppresses curiosity. The same studies seem to get repeated over and over again without really proving anything. Associations between risk factors become so familiar that people start believing a cause and effect relationship has been proven.
General Healthy captured this phenomenon brilliantly in a single tweet from ObesityWeek 2014. “What’s left to research?” he asks.
We wish we had his flair for communication. Thank you, General Healthy, for capturing something that until now, we have been unable to express.
Regarding obesity, we need more curiosity and we need innovative research.
Check out @GeneralHealthy’s Tweet and more from his healthy view of life here.
Curiosity, photograph © kimdokhac / flickr
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