Fries, Peppers, and Seven Almonds

Presidential Snacks: Fries, Peppers, and Seven Almonds

Tired of this election season already? We’re with you. So instead of dwelling on Donald Trump’s sound bytes, Hillary Clinton’s emails, or that lame duck Barack Obama, let’s talk presidential snacks!

Trump's DinnerTrump has a fondness for McDonald’s, KFC, taco bowls, diners, and overcooked steaks. In his now famous effort to tell Hispanic voters that he loves them, Trump explained that the Trump Tower Grill makes the best taco bowls. At a CNN town hall event, he explained his fondness for trademarked American fast food:

A ‘fish delight’ sometimes, right? The Big Macs are great. The Quarter Pounder. It’s great stuff.

No doubt, this is a man of the people.

Clinton has found her dietary heaven in hot peppers. When asked in a town hall about her hot sauces – sriracha, Tabasco, tomatillo, or something else – she replied:

I have a collection of all that and many more. I started using hot sauce back in 1992, because I read an article that said it would help my immune system stay healthy. So far, so good!

Her favorite comes from Whole Foods, a brand of sriracha called Ninja Squirrel.

Obama is amused that his late-night almond snacks have gotten twisted by the press into some sort of obsessive ritual. Asked about the habit recently, he replied with a chuckle:

All my friends were calling up, and they’re saying, “You know, this seems a little anal. This is kind of weird.” And I had to explain to them, no, this was a joke.

Obama wants us to know that he doesn’t count out precisely seven almonds every time. But he does “strongly recommend” them. “They’re a good snack.”

Now that we have all that straight, can we get this election over with? Please?

Click here for more about Trump’s diet, here for more on Clinton’s peppers, and here for more on Obama’s almonds.

McDonald’s Fries, photograph © McDonald’s Corporation
Hot Stuff, photograph © Georgie Sharp/ flickr
Almonds, photograph © I_Nneska / flickr

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August 10, 2016