Archive for August, 2017
August 31, 2017 — “At the end of the day, what we’d like to see is fewer obese people in the Medicare population about which we have to have these conversations.” Those striking words came Aloysius Cuyjet, MD, MPH. They came after he chaired more than five hours of evidence review at Medicare’s advisory committee on evidence and coverage […]
August 30, 2017 — A new economic analysis published in Pediatrics leaves us with simple questions. Are we willing to pay for childhood obesity care? If we believe in family values, how do we value families? Cost-Effectiveness of Family-Based Childhood Obesity Care Teresa Quattrin and colleagues have previously demonstrated the effectiveness of family-based care for childhood obesity. And they […]
August 29, 2017 — Good news, everybody! You can now order “A More Mindful Burger” at Epic Burger in Chicago. Or a mindful trucker’s cap from Mindful Supply. Authors stand ready to sell you books on every flavor of mindfulness you can imagine: pregnancy, parenting, politics, teaching, and spirituality. Oh, and of course, mindful eating is an especially hot […]
August 28, 2017 — It’s official as of Friday. Liraglutide (Victoza) is not only for treating type 2 diabetes and obesity. FDA now says it also effectively prevents heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular deaths. This new information applies to people taking it for diabetes who also have heart disease. A Dramatic, Ongoing Shift in Diabetes Care This news represents […]
August 27, 2017 — Employers who want to impose wellness on their employees received a setback last week. A federal judge ruled that if employees lose money unless they participate, it’s not voluntary. AARP Victory on Privacy Rights This ruling came in a lawsuit filed by AARP to contest EEOC rules about protecting privacy. By law, employers are not […]
August 26, 2017 — Celebrity nutritionist Adelle Davis preached it. She said we should be eating breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper in the mid 20th century. Despite little evidence behind her advice, it has incredible staying power. Popular and Controversial Between 1947 and 1965, Davis published four hugely popular books on […]
August 25, 2017 — Whether the subject is politics, nutrition, or obesity, moderation and respect seem rare. Instead we have bitter arguments between brittle ideologies. Some folks are rallying behind a belief that “sugar is toxic.” But others are raging against a “nanny state” that imposes sin taxes on soda. When the AMA joined many other health experts in […]
August 24, 2017 — Women’s Health summed up a bunch of sensational headlines recently: “Eating this one food might be the trick to losing weight.” That one food, of course, is magic walnuts. And the headlines flowed from some perfectly valid research. There’s just one tiny problem. Weight loss was not the subject of the research. In fact, the […]
August 23, 2017 — Bill Maher has discovered the absurdity of blowhards. Friday on his show, Real Time, he started with the idea that extremes of both the left and the right push some absurd ideas. But then took his sport of public ridicule further. He hurled a rant at people who don’t look like him: These colors don’t […]
August 22, 2017 — Among the complex web of factors that are causing obesity to rise, you will find the rise of drugs that cause weight gain. New antipsychotic drugs – like olanzapine or Zyprexa – are classic examples. They offer important benefits for people living with schizophrenia or bipolar disease. But they have a downside. They can cause obesity and metabolic […]