Does a Healthier Diet Mean a Hangry President?
Boredom comes easily to Twitter, so now it’s keeping tabs on what our president is eating. And the tweet on the street says that he must be hangry. Bloomberg reports that he’s trading a diet of Big Macs and chocolate shakes for salads and fish. For that matter, they report, the entire west wing is on a healthier food regimen.
Flimsy Reporting of Cause and Effect
Naturally, reporters connected the dots and suggested that the specter of a trade war this week might be the direct result of a president who is hungry and angry.
Could trade war have been caused because Trump is “hangry” ? Two weeks since last hamburger
— Erik Wasson (@elwasson) March 2, 2018
Detecting wild speculation about what might cause a trade war doesn’t require a PhD in statistics. Our president promised tariffs on steel long before the election. Back then, he was still tweeting about his enjoyment of fast food. If we have a trade war, neither too little nor too much fast food will be the cause.
Feasting on Stereotypes
Reporters are indulging in a smorgasbord of stereotypes. Healthy eating is satisfying and pleasurable. If it leaves you hungry, then it’s not healthy. So equating fewer burgers and healthier eating with more presidential hunger and anger is a bit of a lie.
Anger sometimes comes from hunger, but neither anger nor constant hunger are good for health.
Unhealthy eating habits come in many forms. No single food – such as a burger – is ruinous. Nor can it explain a person’s weight and health. So when reporters link the president’s weight to a Big Mac, they are promoting a stereotype.
Please, can we stop obsessing over every morsel this president eats?
Angry Bear, illustration © Alvaro Tapia / flickr
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March 3, 2018
March 03, 2018 at 11:11 am, Mariah Riess said:
Is this blog going to go the way of the media and can’t help but bring anti-Trump commentary into it’s content?
Could we please not do this? I would like to read about health and science and enjoy a resource that is not an extension of CNN.
March 03, 2018 at 11:24 am, Ted said:
Thanks for letting everyone know what’s on your mind, Mariah. But I’m not sure how suggesting that we should “stop obsessing over every morsel this president eats” is an “anti-Trump commentary.”
March 09, 2018 at 4:27 pm, Nanette Adams, LPC said:
It’s not new that the media comments on Presidential eating behaviors, and he’s not the first to have a fast food habit. While I am not a fan of this President by any means, I think Mariah is missing Ted’s overall point here on ConscienHealth– his blog brings health science and media together to analyze how the impact of good and bad science is reported to the public and how it has a substantial impact on population beliefs.
March 09, 2018 at 5:02 pm, Ted said:
You are right, Nanette. Thanks!