Archive for July, 2022

YWM Engage: Equipping for Fearless Advocacy

July 17, 2022 — While Friday at YWM Engage focused on knowledge, yesterday was all about equipping people for fearless advocacy. It was a steady stream of very real, very personal perspectives on the change that is possible when people step forward to put a face on their own lived experience with obesity. Pie Charts Don’t Inspire Marches on […]

YWM Engage: Bias Meets the Future in Obesity

July 16, 2022 — On the first full day of YWM Engage, it was plain that this was a different sort of convention for OAC. It was smaller. The group was being very cautious because this rotten pandemic, though it’s less of a threat, isn’t over. So the agenda got right down to the business of bringing everyone up […]

YWM Engage: A Legacy of Building Community

July 15, 2022 — It’s been two long years since the extended community of the Obesity Action Coalition gathered together in Tampa for the YWM Convention. All of us have lived through losses, both big and small. But this community has felt none more deeply than the passing of Rob Portinga, an OAC board member who leaves us with […]

ICER: Seeking Value in Obesity Medicine

July 14, 2022 — We’ve all got our reading assignments. The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has released its draft report on effectiveness and value for the current options in obesity medicine. There’s a lot to process in there. But the bottom line is clear enough. Phentermine/topiramate (Qsymia) offers the best value, says the report. The most […]

Indicators of Stress Rising in Parallel with Obesity

July 13, 2022 — When we wrote recently about stress as an important factor in rising obesity, the natural question popped up. Hasn’t stress always been with us? And of course it has been. But it turns out that it’s pretty easy to find indications that stress is indeed increasing in parallel with obesity. In fact, the American Psychological […]

Oops: The Mistaken Rush for Menu Calorie Labeling

July 12, 2022 — It seemed like a good idea at the time. Back in 2008, there was a headlong rush to require restaurant menu calorie labeling by decree. New York City tried it first. Other cities and states followed quickly. Tired of fighting it in a dizzying array of local venues, the restaurant industry came on board with […]

Caught Between Denial and Hyperbole on Obesity

July 11, 2022 — It seems like an endless struggle. On one hand we face strident voices from some corners of public health who want to catastrophize obesity. These are the voices of moral panic. But on the other hand, we have to contend with voices who seemingly deny that obesity is a health problem. That the only problems […]

“You Should” – When Guidelines Conflict with Reality

July 10, 2022 — “You oughta wanna do better.” That sums up the feelings evoked by a disturbing number of guidelines for health and wellness. This feeling comes when the guidelines conflict jarringly with the lived reality of many or most people. When guidelines become a prompt for finger wagging, they won’t move the needle on population health in […]

Global Cultures and Global Variations in Obesity

July 9, 2022 — Obesity prevalence is rising all over the world. But in different cultures and different countries, tremendous variations in obesity are striking. Countries of eastern Asia tend to have very low obesity prevalence. Japan, for example, has an obesity rate of just five percent, according to the World Obesity Federation. Meanwhile, obesity prevalence stands at 43 […]

Are COVID Vaccines Protecting People with Obesity?

July 8, 2022 — In a word, yes. COVID vaccines are still protecting people with obesity. Two new studies remind us that, although people with obesity are more vulnerable to this virus, the immune response is still good in this population. This is true of the immune response to infection as well as the protection afforded by vaccination. A […]