About ConscienHealth
ConscienHealth works with experts and organizations to advance sound approaches to health and obesity, the biggest threat to the health of America in this century. We advocate for evidence-based prevention and treatment.
We help organizations develop strategies to advance new options from research to adoption in clinical practice and health policy. We develop strategies that are based on sound science, public policy, and a deep understanding of consumer needs.
We help experts and advocates to educate the public and provide a voice for people affected by obesity.
The 2010 expert report on Dietary Guidelines for Americans identifies obesity as “the single greatest threat to public health in this century.” The majority of Americans, two-thirds, have excess weight or obesity. The impact of the disease is growing as increasing numbers of our young people are affected. Obesity leads to poor health and diminished quality of life. Obesity-related diseases are fueling the growth in our soaring healthcare costs.Health improves when obesity is treated. Prevention strategies guided by research, not bias, are needed to reverse this harmful trend.
Yet, obesity is more often viewed as a character flaw than a health problem. The prevailing bias against people with obesity leads society and policy makers to discount medical interventions that can help people live healthier lives. The assumption that personal responsibility is the only answer has led to health policy that is costly, expensive, ineffective, and based more on bias than evidence.
And most important, research has shown that stigmatizing people with excess weight makes the problem worse. Studies demonstrate that weight bias increases the likelihood of unhealthy eating behaviors and creates barriers to physical activity.
We believe that new evidence-based tools for treatment and prevention, advocacy for sound policy, and public outreach are all essential to making progress in obesity.
ConscienHealth’s guiding principle is to connect sound science with the needs of consumers to develop obesity solutions that allow people of all sizes to be the healthiest they can be.
ConscienHealth exists to help experts and organizations work for sound approaches to health and obesity.
We connect clients with people who have a passionate interest in healthcare and obesity to deliver better results for our clients and better health for the public.