Posts Tagged ‘appetite’

Is Food Noise Really a Thing? Or an Invention of Diet Culture?

April 20, 2024 — It seems that people who are finding tremendous relief from obesity with GLP-1 medicines just won’t shut up about the benefits of turning down the volume on food noise. Nancy Barnes, one of these people, tells the PBS News Hour: “The noise in your head stops. It is just so unbelievable” Obesity medicine physician Melanie […]

Eat Breakfast Like a King?

September 19, 2022 — Will we ever tire of debating the value of eating breakfast for keeping our weight in check? So far, it seems not. In fact, people seem to be rehashing the same old arguments yet again, based on the results from a new study in Cell Metabolism. Is it a good idea to eat breakfast like […]

Study Says Sweeteners Prompt Food Cravings? Nope.

October 9, 2021 — Reporting on non-caloric sweeteners has more in common with reporting on religion than science reporting. We see a constant churn of reporting about studies by people who are looking for evidence to support a belief that sweeteners must be bad for you. The latest headline from NPR on this subject tells us these sweeteners “may […]

Are Whole Grains a No-Brainer for Dietary Health?

April 12, 2021 — So many things about dietary guidance foster seemingly endless arguments. Fights about meat, dairy, and saturated fats flare up over and over again. But whole grains seem like something of a safe zone. A recent study tells us they are more satisfying than refined grains. Observational research points to less risk for diabetes, cancer, and […]

Does This New Study Mean Keto Is Losing Its Luster?

January 22, 2021 — When it comes to dietary patterns, one size doesn’t fit all. But when it comes to magical diet thinking, the masses wish for something different. The wish is for a “best” diet – something that will let me lose weight without feeling hungry. For several years now, pop culture assigned that magic to keto diets. […]

Looking for a Keto Veto in a 4-Week Study

May 8, 2020 — One of the very few blessings of the pandemic lockdown has been a respite from keto mania. Yes, we’ve had to blot out stupid talk about the Quarantine 15. Nonetheless, rants from true believers in ketogenic diets have been on the back burner. Interest in keto everything is down by more than half from where […]

Regulating the Appetite for Exercise

April 16, 2018 — Athleisure has taken over popular culture. It seems like everyone is working out. Runners are everywhere we turn. People move through their their days ready for yoga with their mats and togs. And yet, we’re also more sedentary than ever. How can this be? Could it be that our appetite for exercise plays a role? […]

Are Women More Sensitive to the Pleasure of Food?

January 27, 2018 — We eat for many reasons, and one of those reasons is pleasure. Beautiful, appetizing food beckons us, even when we’re not physically hungry. Researchers label those qualities of food as hedonics. Food marketers know that these are the qualities that sell their products. And now, neuroscience suggests that women may be more sensitive than men […]

Progress on the Next Generation of Obesity Treatment

March 21, 2017 — Gratefully, we can report progress on the next generation of obesity treatment. For starters, John Blundell and colleagues have just published a controlled clinical trial of semaglutide in obesity. The study is a tightly controlled experiment to explain how the drug works. And beyond semaglutide, more options for treating obesity are moving into development. The […]

Putting a Number on Your Appetite

October 28, 2016 — In the complex jungle of systems that influence the development and prevalence of obesity, two physiologic mechanisms stand out: metabolic rate and appetite. In new research from NIH to be presented at ObesityWeek 2016, Kevin Hall and colleagues have put a number on the role of appetite in making sure that people regain most of the […]