Posts Tagged ‘assumptions’

“Study Finds” Breakfast Could Reduce Jet Lag – Or Maybe Not

September 8, 2023 — With the onset of fall, we are staring at the prospect of a good bit of travel. So this story indeed grabbed our attention. “A hearty breakfast could reduce jet lag in older adults, study finds” was the headline in the Washington Post. We like breakfast, so this seems like a win-win proposition. There’s just […]

Restaurant Menus for Fewer Cancer Deaths?

April 19, 2023 — Breathtaking. That’s the only word we can find to describe the claims coming from a cost effectiveness study of calorie labeling on restaurant menus for preventing cancer deaths. Published yesterday in BMJ Open, this study is already generating headlines like this one: “Thanks to calorie-counting menus, fewer Americans are dying of obesity-related cancers” Making an […]

Obesity Care and Health Payers: Getting Real

April 14, 2023 — For decades, we’ve watched growth in the prevalence of obesity and the chronic diseases it causes. Health systems have profited from treating those downstream diseases. Without really thinking about it, public health policy and payers have conspired to deny care for the root cause of those diseases – obesity. Bias inspired some of this because […]