Posts Tagged ‘cardiovascular disease’
January 24, 2023 — These are three problems that often travel together. But each one by itself is a problem – stigma, obesity, and heart disease. Now, a new study from the University of Connecticut gives us some of the best empiric evidence yet for the distinct harm that weight stigma adds to obesity and heart disease. Randomized and […]
November 17, 2022 — Can bariatric surgery cut the risk of a heart attack in half? The answer, of course, depends upon the population of patients and their risk profile. And we must remember that risk is a tricky thing to measure. But a recent study in JAMA Network Open found half the risk of a wide range of […]
April 27, 2021 — Big change creeps up on us. Is the American Heart Association moving away from implicit bias that obesity is a simple matter of bad behavior? Reading a new scientific statement from AHA, it seems like it. In fact, this statement makes it plain right up front. “Obesity is a multifactorial disease” is how it opens. […]
February 4, 2020 — A red meat issue is inflammatory and political. This particular definition doesn’t have a separate entry in Merriam-Webster yet, though they are thinking about it. But on the subject of red meat, medical journals just can’t let it go. So today we have a new paper in JAMA Internal Medicine to revisit the question – […]
January 9, 2018 — In severe obesity, teen hearts are at risk. High blood pressure, cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes can begin harming these young people early in life. But a new study published yesterday in Pediatrics confirms that bariatric surgery can resolve these risk factors for teens. An 85% Drop in Teens with ≥ 3 Risk Factors At the […]
September 4, 2017 — The subject of weight and health and obesity can be a great way to shut down a conversation. Or really stir it up. It all depends on whether people are ready to listen to each other. Does Overweight – Not Obesity – Cause a Shorter Life? A lengthy article in The Atlantic illustrates how quickly people can stop […]
December 13, 2016 — Please, someone hit the pause button on all the fake news headlines about saturated fat. They’ve been burying us all year long, with no sign of a respite. Presently, you can find a fresh batch of such headlines telling you: Saturated Fat Could Be Good for You Saturated Fat Is Actually Good for You Fat […]
November 28, 2016 — The sciency food news of the week says blue cheese has magical health benefits, thanks to a compound found in aged cheeses – spermidine. Medical Daily tells us: New research suggests that certain types of this rich dairy staple may be able to promote heart health and even extend your lifespan. The Sydney Morning Herald […]
November 16, 2016 — Nutrition gurus seem deeply engaged in a delicate dance around the health effects of dairy fat. A new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition provides some insight. Researchers examined three large cohorts of U.S. adults. They found that “dairy fat intake was not significantly related to the risk of total cardiovascular disease.” But they […]
September 9, 2016 — The American Heart Association is promoting an analysis from its journal that suggests regular exercise can save money. In fact, the authors of this study find that medical expenses are about $2,500 lower annually for people who meet current guidelines for regular exercise. That’s at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week. The […]