Posts Tagged ‘civility’

New Year’s Resolution: Don’t Be a Jerk

January 1, 2024 — We see a trend in New Year’s resolutions. People seem to be moving from grandiose to doable. The emphasis in much of what we read is on real impact instead of great ambitions. So in that spirit, we have one for you that everyone can keep: don’t be a jerk. Not even when it might […]

Techniques for Winning an Argument and Losing a Voice

June 24, 2018 — The anger industry is booming all over the world. Outrage seems to win arguments because many people grow tired of rage and walk away. It’s a pretty good business model for cable news right now. But it carries a risk. Anger sometimes leaves people thinking they’ve won an argument. In fact, though, they’re losing a […]

Offensive Words to Grab Attention and Block Progress

June 30, 2017 — When words start spilling from the mouths of toddlers, parents get a thrill. The thrill turns to a bit of panic when an offensive word spills out. The toddler gets attention. Parents find themselves on a long road of teaching by example. Offensive words certainly grab attention, but then they just get in the way. […]