Posts Tagged ‘dietary interventions’

Looking for a Pony in the Muck of Uncontrolled Dietary Nudges

August 19, 2024 — “There must be a pony somewhere.” So goes the punchline of a joke about a manure pile that has circulated in various forms for more than a century.  A new report in BMC Nutrition brings this joke to mind. From a great muck of uncontrolled data about dietary nudges in a single hospital convenience store, […]

The MIND Diet Comes Up Short in Dementia

July 19, 2023 — New research today in the New England Journal of Medicine offers an important lesson – for anyone with an open mind. Finding an association of a dietary pattern with a better health outcome is not the same as showing that a dietary pattern has that effect. Eight years ago, Martha Clare Morris and colleagues told […]

Feeding Your Microbiome Dietary Pixie Dust

September 21, 2022 — According to Anahad O’Connor in the Washington Post, your microbiome can do amazing things for you. “These vast communities of microbes are the gateway to your health and well-being – and one of the simplest and most powerful ways to shape and nurture them is through your diet.” Because research sez so. So maybe feeding […]

Healthy Eating: Statistical Significance That’s Insignificant

October 2, 2021 — Healthy eating patterns improve health. Right? So when a new study in Clinical Pediatrics tells us that kids with obesity who follow any of three healthy eating patterns will improve their cardiovascular health, should we believe it? Unfortunately not. Because in fact, the statistical significance of their findings about healthy eating reflects an error. Not […]