Posts Tagged ‘dietitians’

Is Weight Management Obsolete? Should It Be?

November 16, 2019 — The trend among some dietitians is unmistakable. A number of dietitians today are very vocal in their doubts about the value of weight management. They certainly don’t believe in pursuing a goal of weight loss. They may or may not align themselves 100 percent with a social movement trademarked as Health At Every Size. But […]

Blowing Up the Internet with “Starch Bombs”

December 6, 2018 — Bless his heart. No doubt Harvard epidemiology professor Eric Rimm meant well. But his casual comments about potatoes being “starch bombs” have blown up the internet. The New York Times published his starch bomb comment and quoted him as saying: I think it would be nice if your meal came with a side salad and six French […]

Dietitians Stand Out

December 7, 2014 — Across the spectrum of allied health professionals, dietitians stand out as best suited to provide weight management counseling to people with obesity. No, that’s not PR from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It’s the finding of research from Johns Hopkins just published in Obesity. Sara Bleich and colleagues conducted a study with 500 health professionals […]