Posts Tagged ‘economic development’

The Fuzzy Relationship Between Income and Obesity

December 11, 2021 — Increasingly, the world has two problems that should not go together: persistent high levels of food insecurity and growing rates of obesity. How can this be? The short answer is that there’s no short answer. Food insecurity is largely a function of income and, in wealthier countries, poverty can mean a higher risk for obesity. […]

Can Money Buy a Community Less Obesity?

March 20, 2021 — Some time ago, the Beatles told us that money can’t buy us love. Now a new study from Molly Martin at Penn State suggests that it also may not buy a community less obesity. Martin is a researcher with a keen interest in social inequality, families, and child well-being. Her research examines data from a […]

Promoting Obesity Around the World: More Than Diet

October 22, 2020 — We’re just about done with the obesitization of America. But around the world, promoting obesity is very much a work in progress. The Turkana people, for example, are going through this process quite rapidly in Northwest Kenya. Likewise in China, rural populations have begun to see a striking rise in obesity. Is it all about […]

Glowing Rectangles and Obesity in the South Pacific

October 23, 2016 — With so many suspects for the cause of growing obesity prevalence, satisfying answers are rare. But new research from the State University of New York at Binghamton provides some fascinating insight on the possible contribution of consumer electronics – such as our glowing rectangles – to obesity risk. After controlling for demographics, diet, and activity, they […]

Casinos Prevent Childhood Obesity?

March 7, 2014 — The Journal of the American Medical Association this week published a study showing that opening or expanding casinos on American Indian tribal lands was associated with more economic resources for the community and less risk of childhood obesity. And you thought it was all about opening fresh food markets! As interesting as this study is, […]