Posts Tagged ‘energy balance’

Three Articles of Faith in Obesity

August 26, 2016 — Faith – defined as an enduring belief in something that cannot be directly observed or proven – has played an undeniable role in human history that continues to this day. In the face of uncertainty or incomplete answers, we instinctively fall back on ideas that provide meaning and direction as we search for truth. And so it is that […]

Energy Balance: Physics or Biology?

June 4, 2016 — An energetic and well-informed debate at the 2016 Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine provided a deep dive yesterday into controversy regarding competing ideas about energy balance. Sam Klein presented the view that energy balance is an issue of physics. David Ludwig presented the view that it is an issue of biology. Klein provided an entertaining […]

Can Scientific Journals Fix Their Mistakes?

February 4, 2016 — It’s inevitable. Mistakes get published in scientific journals. But the real test is whether scientific journals can correct these mistakes. Writing in Nature today, David Allison and colleagues report that many journals may be failing this test. They identify and provide evidence of an urgent need for fixing the process for post publication review. The issue is […]