Posts Tagged ‘food safety’

FNCE: Skeptical About Dire Risks from Ultra-Processed Foods?

October 7, 2024 — Public discourse about nutrition and health seems to go through waves of fear. There was the fear of fat that began in the 1980s. In the early 2000s, that wave subsided and the fear of sugar and carbs swept us all up with a fever to count carbs and especially, grams of added sugars. Though […]

14,000 Chemicals in Food Packaging, 3,601 Enter Our Bodies

September 21, 2024 — A new study this week gives us pause for concern about the chemicals entering our body from food packaging. Some of them are endocrine disrupting chemicals that can alter the way our body stores fat. Researchers inventoried a total of 14,000 chemicals in contact with food from packaging and found evidence for 3,601 of them […]

The Long Goodbye to Brominated Vegetable Oil

November 4, 2023 — It only took half a century. Back in 1970, the FDA decided that brominated vegetable oil could no longer have GRAS – generally recognized as safe – status. This week the agency announced it plans to ban this additive to many citrus flavored drinks. The long goodbye to brominated vegetable oil  (BVO) will not be […]

Starting Now: No More GMO Foods in the U.S.

January 3, 2022 — GMO foods have been a source of fiery controversy for a decade. Today, the USDA has pulled off a regulatory miracle. Starting now, there will be no more GMO foods in the U.S. None. Instead, we will call them bioengineered. USDA even has a friendly little logo for food companies to slap on their products. […]

Would You Like Phthalates with That?

November 10, 2021 — A preliminary analysis by a team of scientists at four major research institutions finds disturbing levels of phthalates in a sample of fast food. Lead author Lariah Edwards told WebMD that she wasn’t especially surprised to find this, because the food sold by fast food chains is so highly processed, packaged, and handled. Every step along […]

Have a Super Healthy – and Safe – Turkey Day

November 22, 2018 — Superfood on the table for your Thanksgiving? Sure – whatever floats your boat. But whatever you do, keep it safe. A little attention to some basic safety concerns will probably do more for your health than that those yummy ancient grains you’re fixing. The grains will bring you pleasure. Great. Food and fire safety will keep […]

Summer Holiday Food Hazard?

July 4, 2018 — Summer holidays are here, bringing us a bounty of holiday foods, picnics, and recreation. Life is sweet. Or maybe too sweet, if you follow the headlines about how much sugar we’re eating. And you’ll definitely find a lot of it in the food at a typical picnic. But we’d like to suggest that the real […]

Fast Food Cause and Effect

April 18, 2016 — Why is cause and effect such a tough concept for health reporters? The Washington Post screamed in a headline Friday about finding “an alarming new side effect from eating fast food.” The reported side effect is exposure to phthalates – chemicals used in plastics and suspected to be endocrine disruptors. The Post’s headline was wrong. […]