Posts Tagged ‘health concerns’

Whatever Happened to MYOB in Health?

June 6, 2023 — Believe it or not, there was a time when MYOB was a more ubiquitous acronym than WTF. But it seems that we are presently more apt to express dismay at the behavior of others than to advise someone to mind their own business. Especially in health, MYOB seems to have disappeared from our vocabulary. Oddly […]

A Plea from Santa: Stop with Your Health “Concerns”

December 25, 2021 — OK, I admit it. This has been a rough year for me, so the filter is off. I’ve had enough with the so-called health concerns for Santa that keep coming at me from anonymous trolls. Some of you don’t seem to approve of my lifestyle, my body composition, or my enjoyment of milk and cookies. […]

What’s Your Health Wish for the New Year?

December 21, 2016 — This year is coming to an end and a new year is coming up fast. If you’re lucky, things are slowing down and you have some time to reflect on the past year and the year ahead. You and thousands of your friends who take the time to read our offerings here at ConscienHealth are an […]

Obesity, Cancer, and AIDS

January 10, 2015 — Obesity sits atop the list of diseases that Americans worry about. (We’ll set aside the matter of Ebola for now.) And yet people have a hard time wrapping their heads around obesity as a disease. Some equate obesity with BMI or body size and protest that BMI can’t be a disease. Others say obesity is […]

Obesity and Diet Top Americans’ Health Concerns

August 4, 2013 — Obesity, weight, and diet are the top personal health concerns of Americans according to a national survey of 1,219 adults conducted by Hart Research Associates in June and released Friday by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association. The study also identified obesity as one of the top three health research priorities for Americans. Overall as […]