Posts Tagged ‘HIV’

Obesity Back on Top Among Health Concerns

December 4, 2015 — Remember Ebola? That was so 2014. But with that problem solved, Americans are turning their attention back to obesity, which is again at the top of the list of the most urgent health concerns for adults in the U.S. This insight comes to us courtesy of the Gallup Organization, which has been polling the public about their […]

Fighting Obesity with Fear and Disgust

May 17, 2015 — Fear and disgust can be powerful motivators. A new analysis in Health Affairs contends that they can also be effective tools for serving the interests of public health. Amy Fairchild and colleagues from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University cite a “contested body of evidence about the motivational effects of fear” to support […]

Don’t Bother Me with Facts about Harm Reduction

April 20, 2015 — Does harm reduction cause a short circuit in the American psyche? Over time, many examples have brought this phenomenon into the spotlight. The latest example in the headlines is news about adolescent use of conventional cigarettes and electronic cigarettes. A new study from CDC shows a large reduction in the use of conventional burning cigarettes […]

Three Insights for Obesity from HIV Stigma

April 12, 2015 — In the early days of the epidemic, HIV stigma was one of the key barriers to progress on every front against HIV. While stigma remains a challenge, much has been learned and in many ways it has been overcome. The same is not true about dealing obesity stigma. If anything, the stigma and bias that […]

How to Penalize Pre-Existing Conditions under Obamacare

June 1, 2014 — Health insurance penalties for pre-existing conditions are supposed to be a thing of the past under the Affordable Care Act (the ACA or Obamacare). And things are clearly much better for people who used to be all but uninsurable because of a pre-existing condition. Even so, ingenious insurers are finding ways to make people pay extra […]