Posts Tagged ‘kindness’
December 25, 2024 — In so much of the news and public life today, humility seems to be in short supply. Hubris and cruelty are not. “It’s remarkable how often ambition becomes cruelty. In our self-delusion, we persuade ourselves that we’re not just right but that we’re so clearly right that opposition has to be rooted in arrogance and […]
February 28, 2024 — We are getting a bit fed up. This impatience comes with the presumption that people owe the world an explanation for their body. Is it fit enough? Is it fat enough? Are we wearing the right kind of body positive attitude? This comes from living in an excessively fat-conscious culture. But it also comes from […]
January 1, 2024 — We see a trend in New Year’s resolutions. People seem to be moving from grandiose to doable. The emphasis in much of what we read is on real impact instead of great ambitions. So in that spirit, we have one for you that everyone can keep: don’t be a jerk. Not even when it might […]
September 24, 2023 — A good friend often reminds us about the importance of kindness, and of course, she is right. The world offers us too little kindness too often and we make it better when we add the warmth of kindness to the corner of the world we share. But our friend Gary Foster took it a bit […]
September 4, 2022 — The Greek fabulist Aesop recognized it thousands of years ago. No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. But now we have experimental evidence to back him up. Amit Kumar and Nicholas Epley conducted a series of four experiments showing that small acts of kindness have much bigger effects than people realize. They tell […]
March 13, 2022 — We are getting an eyeful of injustice, cruelty, hubris, and selfishness. It comes to us in examples large and small. On a catastrophic scale, it’s unfolding in Ukraine. In subtler but relentless increments, we see it in pervasive bias against people living with obesity. Dispiriting as all of this is, an antidote is available to […]