Posts Tagged ‘marijuana’

Leap of Faith: Legal Marijuana Will Cut Obesity Rates

December 8, 2015 — Look for a link, turn it into a policy, and obesity is on its way to being solved. It might not be foolproof, but it’s been tried. The current supposition is that the link seen in self-reported data for marijuana use, legalization, and lower BMI can be translated into a policy for reducing obesity. If […]

Huh? Survey Says Sugar Is More Dangerous Than Marijuana

March 15, 2014 — Sugar is more dangerous than marijuana, says the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey of American public opinion. For this news we can thank two political agendas spinning together to create misperceptions on a colossal scale. Who needs pesky facts and evidence? Seriously, this news might give you a reason to think twice about the […]