Posts Tagged ‘Mark Bittman’

Sugar vs Obesity: Looking for the Culprit in Diabetes

May 22, 2013 — A study published recently in PLoS One suggests the availability of sugar at the population level is a significant statistical determinant of type 2 diabetes prevalence rates, independent of its role in obesity. In looking at obesity levels and sugar availability levels in different countries around the world and controlling for other factors, the study’s […]

Reduce Hunger and Obesity in One Act

January 7, 2013 — SNAP (food stamps) promotes both hunger and obesity, says food writer and New York Times blogger, Mark Bittman. He expanded on ideas from an editorial written by David Ludwig, Susan Blumenthal, and Walter Willett in the Journal of the American Medical Association, arguing that the way that SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is structured, it […]