Posts Tagged ‘meal timing’
January 11, 2023 — Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and supper like a pauper. These immortal words date back almost 70 years to a pop nutrition icon of the early and mid 20th century – Adelle Davis. Unfortunately, the health benefits of this advice are more presumption than fact. But the legends persist. This week, […]
March 17, 2022 — Should we be having potatoes for breakfast? An interesting new study this week adds to the evidence that when we eat different foods might matter for health outcomes as much as our choice of foods. Specifically, this research was an analysis of mortality in persons with diabetes based on NHANES data from 2003 to 2014. […]
September 29, 2020 — The headlines paint a stark picture. Time-Restricted Eating Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss says the UCSF news story. Based solely on the the conclusions of this one study, we should get over it. Time-restricted eating offers no advantages for weight loss. This new, well-controlled study in JAMA Internal Medicine says so. Suddenly the benefits of […]
February 21, 2020 — Most often, when the media mangles science, the blame goes to the health reporter. Reporters either misinterpret the research or don’t think critically about how PR is spinning the results. But this week, we have an exceptional case of a top-tier journal publishing conclusions to a study that the data simply do not support. The […]
December 6, 2019 — Sizzle and substance mingle in a pair of recent publications about meal timing and metabolic function. This is definitely a hot topic. People packed into the session on this subject at ObesityWeek. You can also see interest growing in Google search volume. But, as these two papers illustrate, we should read with caution. An RCT […]
July 26, 2019 — It’s no guarantee. But with all else being equal, you may find that you have a certain metabolic edge if most of the food you eat comes earlier in the day. New research published by Eric Ravussin and colleagues in Obesity tells us why. Eating early in the day seems to help with hunger. In […]
February 24, 2017 — Morning meals have a way of creeping into our reflections on healthy dietary patterns. Questions about breakfast’s effect on weight, which plagued us for years, have mostly been settled. Skipping breakfast won’t make you fat. But now along comes a study in the March issue of Obesity that raises a new question. Do morning people have […]
October 24, 2014 — Mealtime matters. It matters to people with grumbling stomachs, as well as this pup, but it also matters for regulation of your body weight. A new study in the International Journal of Obesity finds that the timing of a meal can have a big effect on your metabolism and thus potentially on your weight. In […]