Posts Tagged ‘NutriSystem’

Does Noom Spell Doom for the Diet Industry?

April 17, 2019 — Noom is an app and a program that climbed into the top trends for diet and nutrition searches on Google in 2018. So now it’s putting considerable pressure on the old guard of the diet industry at a time when consumers have very mixed feelings about that business. Weight Watchers is now WW – Wellness […]

Is the World Ready for Nutrigenetics?

July 17, 2018 — Apparently, consumers are hungry for nutrigenetics. That’s the science that explains how our genes affect our nutrition status. And that subject takes people very quickly to the subject of body weight. So a whole host of companies are offering to analyze your DNA and give you personal insights for managing your weight and your health. […]

Ditch the D-Word, Dodge the O-Word, and Embrace Lifestyle

December 7, 2017 — Here’s a case study for the ages. In the midst of our relentless obesity epidemic, consumers have made a massive shift in attitudes about weight and health. Suddenly, weight management brands found themselves at risk. The biggest brand – Weight Watchers – faced the greatest risk. And now it seems to be emerging in a new, […]

Weight Watchers Losing Ground to mHealth

August 7, 2013 — Weight Watchers has lost a quarter of its market value over the last six months and, on Friday, lost its CEO — all presumably due to mHealth trends that were leaving Weight Watchers behind. Will Weight Watchers join Slim-Fast and Ayds in the dustbin of weight management history? Or will the brand enjoy the kind […]