Posts Tagged ‘overweight’

Small Change Theory? Don’t Count On It

May 30, 2022 — It’s pretty easy to find advice to make small changes that stick if a person wants to lose weight – or keep from gaining weight. It certainly sounds authoritative when a PhD psychologist offers up small change theory as a winning strategy: “When you focus on just a couple of small changes at a time, […]

With More Sleep, People Eat Less, Says an RCT

February 8, 2022 — The familiar (and not always helpful) advice to move more and eat less might need to make room for a simpler prescription. Sleep more and you’ll eat less. That is the finding of a new study in JAMA Internal Medicine, published yesterday. In an RCT of 80 adults with overweight, counseling to extend their sleep from […]

Limited Booster Approval? Not Exactly

September 24, 2021 — Limited approval . . . heated debate . . . setback for booster plans. The pathway to rolling out booster shots has been torturous, for sure. But let’s be clear. As the dust clears, the approval of booster shots for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is hardly limited. Everyone over 65 can get it. Under 65, the […]

CDC: Possible COVID Risk with Overweight

October 11, 2020 — This week, the CDC added overweight to its list of conditions that might bring increased risk for severe symptoms with COVID-19. By that, the agency means anyone with a BMI between 25 and 30. For a BMI of 30 and above, CDC does not mince words. Your risk is higher. Think about it. This means […]