Posts Tagged ‘patient autonomy’

Fearlessly Facing Obesity, Standing Up for People

May 1, 2022 — For the last two days, the national board of the Obesity Action Coalition has been thinking deeply about its strategic direction for the next five years. It was an occasion for two very different mindsets. On one hand, we see that much has changed in just the last few years with regard to the problems […]

Electronic Health Records Coded with Bias

February 17, 2022 — If a patient is Black, health providers are more than twice as likely to put negative words in that patient’s health history. These are descriptors like hysterical, noncompliant, unpleasant, or uncooperative. Those word choices don’t suggest a good relationship with a patient. This conclusion comes from an analysis of records for 18,459 patients, published recently […]

Conscientious Objectors in Healthcare

November 19, 2019 — Bias, beliefs, and moral convictions live alongside the human capacity to rationalize just about anything. Some people see obesity as a moral failure. They see obesity treatment as a moral hazard. Others regard it as a non-issue. Merely a symptom of moral panic. But despite – or perhaps because of – all these conflicting views, […]