Posts Tagged ‘people first’

Bad Habits Die Hard

April 30, 2015 — Some bad habits are really hard to shake. All the subtle and overt forms of weight bias and shaming provide good examples. They are particularly persistent because they are so deeply embedded in our culture. And yet, if you look, there are plenty of encouraging signs. Just yesterday, an obnoxious weight loss ad became a […]

People First, Except Obesity

November 6, 2014 — At ObesityWeek 2014, Andrew Brown presented an elegant analysis of people first language in asthma, autism, diabetes, and obesity. He used Google Books nGram Viewer to examine how frequently people first language has been used over time in various conditions. His analysis shows that when it comes to putting people first, obesity is last. The preference for […]

Two Reasons for People-First Language in Obesity

November 16, 2013 — Weight bias studies presented at Obesity Week 2013 by ConscienHealth founder Ted Kyle and colleagues provide two reasons for people-first language in obesity. People-first language is an indication of less explicit weight bias. People with obesity find people-first language more acceptable from their doctors. Kyle presented two studies of weight bias and people-first language that led […]

Creativity Needed to Drive Change in Obesity

December 22, 2012 — Companies, organizations, and individuals looking to make a positive change in a complex and deeply entrenched disease like obesity should consider more innovative techniques and messaging solutions, says Chris Waugh, director and co-founder of design innovation consultancy IDEO. Talking about the health risks of obesity can help build awareness, but leave people feeling overwhelmed and […]