Posts Tagged ‘sitting’
December 9, 2024 — Eat healthy and get your exercise. It is a straightforward framework for dealing with obesity. But that simple prescription of diet and exercise for preventing obesity overlooks a critical factor – the prolonged sitting time very often required by work and school. A recent study of data from young adult twins showed that sitting time […]
May 26, 2021 — It’s pretty clear that spending a lot of time sitting isn’t helpful. Heart and metabolic health takes a hit. Weight tends to accumulate. Also clear is the fact that people who succeed in losing and keeping weight off tend to spend less time sitting and watching TV. Now data from 4,305 individuals in WW tells […]
July 10, 2020 — The common wisdom and scientific evidence holds that physical activity helps your brain function better. Too much sitting time supposedly gets in the way of good cognitive function But now, a new observational study suggests that sedentary desk jobs might be good for your brain. What gives? A Counter-Intuitive Observational Study The first thing to […]
December 26, 2018 — Sitting for Too Long Could Increase Your Risk of Dying – Even If You Exercise Are you sitting down? Then you may want to stand up to read this, as research from the U.S. has found that sitting for too long could increase your risk of dying – even if you exercise. The study found […]
August 18, 2018 — Ask any school teacher. Children have a tough time sitting still. But maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe we should not be taming that impulse to wiggle and squirm and get up and move. In fact, a careful new study suggests that kids with excess weight might be healthier if they get up and move […]
October 16, 2017 — Varidesk is the fastest growing business in Dallas. Somehow, many workers now believe standing desks have important health benefits. Maybe standing desks will save them from an early death in a desk chair. Or maybe not. Truly, the data is mixed and all of it is observational. No matter. It’s moving tons of products for […]
August 19, 2017 — Oops. Did you just drop a few thousand on that beautiful Jarvis Atwood standing desk? Well, a thing of beauty is a joy forever, so it’s not a bad purchase. But it might not save you from heart disease. A new study in the American Journal of Epidemiology finds that jobs where people mostly stand […]
March 2, 2017 — The idea that sitting is the new smoking has taken off. This compelling narrative – that your desk chair is killing you – is so titillating that you’ll find 33 million results on Google. We have an ample supply of infographics, books, TED Talks, and more. Just one tiny problem is cropping up: hyperbole. Reviewing the Evidence […]
December 30, 2016 — We’ve heard the warnings. Sitting is killing us. So people are responding. Sales of standing desks are booming. Varidesk has grown from a wobbly startup to market leader in just three years. Walking desks might offer more benefits…at at a much higher cost. But research is pointing to a much simpler answer – work-walk-work therapy. It’s really […]
August 18, 2016 — In scientific advisories, obscurity and equivocation abound more than clarity. So the latest advisory from the American Heart Association (AHA) provides more elegant advice than most: “sit less and move more.” True, the advisory goes on for 11 pages before it gets to that punch line. But at least it has a punch line. Here’s the thing. […]