Posts Tagged ‘social stigma’

How Self-Care and Self-Shame Become Barriers to Health

September 10, 2023 — The impulse to do it yourself is strong – even in healthcare. Self-care can be essential for good health, but because it has its limits, it can easily feed into self-shame. In an essay for the New York Times, pediatrician Aaron Carroll shares his own experience with this: “Despite all the advances in science, we […]

The Use, Abuse, and Profits of Shame and Pride

March 24, 2022 — The economy of shame and pride is at work in human cultures everywhere. Public shaming can take aim at whole countries and companies or at random individuals. In The Shame Machine, Cathy O’Neil describes shame as the foundation for an industry that can destroy people: “Humiliation lingers in the mind, the heart, the veins, the […]