Posts Tagged ‘urban sprawl’

Will Urban Planning Put a Dent in Obesity?

December 31, 2016 — Urban sprawl is more than just a traffic problem, say urban planners. It’s a trigger for obesity and a hazard to human health. Certainly, many elements of sprawl are on the list of suspects that might be contributing to the obesity epidemic. Pollution, impediments to physical activity, social isolation, and stressful congestion are all factors. Urban Ventures President […]

Urban Sprawl = Fat City? Not So Fast

January 6, 2014 — Urban sprawl has repeatedly been linked to obesity, but the link to causation remains tenuous. An article of faith in obesity prevention is that the physical, built environment is a key tool for reversing the obesity epidemic. The Institute of Medicine captured this thinking in Strategy 1-1 of their landmark 2012 report, Accelerating Progress in […]