Posts Tagged ‘young adults’

No Longer Normal: The Absurdity of “Normal” Weight

December 6, 2021 — “Normal” has a very succinct definition: usual, typical, or expected. So a recent publication in JAMA reminds us that the definition of “normal” weight is seriously broken. A weight in the range of a “normal” BMI (18.5 – 24.9) is no longer normal for young adults. The normal, typical, or average weight for an American […]

Sidestepping Obesity in Women Having Children

January 8, 2021 — For decades now, we’ve been talking lots about preventing childhood obesity, but not doing much. Could it be that a shift is beginning? Two papers this week tell us this is possible. For too long, we’ve drawn an arbitrary line between obesity treatment and prevention. But the truth is that for women having children, the […]