Posts Tagged ‘YWM2015’

How Your Brain Controls Your Weight

August 15, 2015 — Randy Seeley opened the educational program for the fourth annual Your Weight Matters National Convention by diving into neuroscience on Friday. With exceptional clarity, he explained how your brain controls your weight — just like it controls your body temperature and your breathing. And just as you can temporarily stop your breathing for only a short […]

Why Do We Have a Vibrant Obesity Community?

August 14, 2015 — The opening reception of the fourth annual Your Weight Matters National Convention brings just one question to mind. How has it come to pass that we have such a vibrant obesity community? What brings more than 500 hundred people from the U.S. — as well as other countries this year — to spend their own money […]

4 Things Would Change if We Ran the World

August 13, 2015 — Later today, more than 500 people directly affected by obesity will be gathering in San Antonio for the best conference in obesity that will happen this year. Though there are plenty of other fine conferences with great people and great information, YWM2015 (organized by the Obesity Action Coalition) is the only one that puts people […]